NEAM Presents to the Madison Avenue Sports Car Driving and Chowder Society
New York, New York – This week the New England Auto Museum was invited to present to the Madison Avenue Sports Car Driving and Chowder Society’s monthly luncheon at Sardi’s Restaurant in Manhattan’s Theater District. The group is headed by Greenwich Concours Chairman Bruce Wennerstrom and has been meeting regularly for over 57 years. It is made up of influential car industry personalities and enthusiasts who enjoy the opportunity to trade stories and learn the latest news in the automotive world each month. Representing NEAM were President Mike Scheidel, Marketing Director Nick Ord and Advisory Team members Bob Sharp and Roger Garbow. Fittingly, the other speaker at the luncheon was Kit Foster who talked about his book “The Stanley Steamer: America’s Legendary Steam Car” which details the history of the famous Stanley Brothers’ exploits at the dawn of the motoring age. The concept of an automobile museum being established in Norwalk Connecticut was well received by the group and there were constructive contributions provided in the Q&A session. As summed up by Bob Sharp, “This was an opportunity to raise awareness of the museum project in the wider automotive world and gain new insights and perspective on our efforts from people who know the industry inside and out.”